awesome photoblog -Shorpy's 100-year old Photoblog

Just as reading about a place is no substitute for actually visiting it, to simply read about the past is not enough - you must experience it with your other senses. To hear Franklin D. Roosevelt's voice, to hold a WWII-era rifle in your hands - these aren't superficial devices to make "history come alive", they really help you understand what it was like to live in the past.
That is what makes a website like Shorpy's 100-year old Photoblog so fantastic. Here you see amazingly high-def
photographs from the 1860s up with a clarity that is truly shocking. These aren't some
actors dressed up - these are real 1938 human beings, and just look at their eyes.
How are they different from us? Do they think like we do? Do they have the same
interests, priorities, and why?
Beyond vanished characters, photographs conjour up vanished landscapes. Just
check this out:

As time goes on I'll post some more of my favorite pictures from this and other sites.
But defitely take the time to check out the page on your own - you'll find some real
gems. I'll leave you with this amazing photograph of Aviation employees looking
skyward at an airshow in 1941.

I'm shocked by the brilliant color in this photo from 1943.
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